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哥廷根大學 化學 碩士 (2000)


哥廷根大學 化學 博士 (2003)



2005-2008 國立成功大學 化學系 助理教授


2008-2011 國立成功大學 化學系 副教授


2011-迄今 國立成功大學 化學系 教授


  1. Lin, C. C.; Pan, M. L.; Li, P. L.; Ou, W. T.; Cheng, M. J. & Wu, Y. T.*“Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Properties of Condensed Arenes with Multihelicity.” Org. Lett., 2024, 26(37), 7847-7852.

  2. Wu, G. Y.; Huang, C. L.; Kang, H. W.; Ou, W. T.; Ho, Y. S.; Cheng, M. J.*; Wu, Y. T.* "exo‐6b2‐Methyl‐Substituted Pentabenzocorannulene: Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Properties." Angewandte Chemie 2024, e202408321.

  3. Pan, M. L.; Hsu, C. H.; Lin, Y. D.; Chen, B. H.; Lu, C. H.; Yang, S. D.; Chou,P.T.*; Wu, Y. T.* "Overcrowded 14, 14′‐Bidibenzo [a, j] anthracenes: Challenges in Syntheses and Atypical Property of Lacking Symmetry‐Breaking Charge Transfer (SBCT)." Chem. Eur. J., 2024, e202401063.

  4. Pan, M.L.; Hsu, C.H.; Lin, Y.D.; Chen, W.S.; Chen, B.H.; Lu, C.H.; Yang, S.D.; Cheng, M.J.; Chou, P.T.; Wu, Y.T.* "A New Series of Sandwich‐Type 5, 5′‐Biterphenylenes: Synthetic Challenge, Structural Uniqueness and Photodynamics." Chem. - Eur. J., 2023, e202303523.

  5. Kang, H.W.; Liu, Y.C.; Shao, W.K.; Wei, Y.C.; Hsieh, C.T.; Chen, B.H.; Lu, C.H.; Yang, S.D.; Cheng, M.J.; Chou, P.T.*; Chiang, M.H.*; Wu, Y.T.*"Synthesis, structural analysis, and properties of highly twisted alkenes 13,13-bis(dibenzo[a,i]fluorenylidene) and its derivatives" Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 5248.

  6. Huang, H.C.; Hsieh, Y.C.; Lee, P.L.; Lin, C.C.; Ho, Y.S.; Shao, W.K.; Hsieh, C.T.; Cheng , J.C.*; Wu, Y.T.* "Highly Distorted Multiple Helicenes: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Properties" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 18, 10304-10313.

  7. Chen, P.T.; Yu, C.L.; Shen, M.S.; Cheng, M.J.; Wu, Y.T.*; Hsu, H.F.* "Highly Substituted Acephenanthrylenes and Their it-Extended Derivatives: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Properties" Org. Lett. 2022, 24,  26, 4778–4782.

  8. Chen, P.Y.; Liu, Y.C.; Hung, H.Y.; Pan, M.L.; Wei, Y.C.; Kuo, T.C.; Cheng, M.J.; Chou, P.T.*; Chiang, M.H.*; Wu, Y.T.* "Diindeno[2,1-b:2',1'-h]biphenylenes: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Properties" Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 22, 8794–8798.

  9. Wang, C.S .;Wei, Y.C.; Pan, M.L. ;Wu, C.H.; Chou, P.T.; Wu, Y.T. * "New [2,2]Fluorenophanes Give Insights into Asymmetric Charge Transfer-Mediated Exciton Delocalization along the pi-pi Packing Direction" Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 8678-8683.

  10. Tang, M. C.; Wei, Y. C.; Chu, Y. C.; Jiang, C. X.; Huang, Z. X.; Wu, C. C.; Chao, T. H.; Hong, P. H.; Cheng, M. J.*; Chou, P. T.*; Wu, Y. T.*  "[2,2](5,8)Picenophanedienes: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, Molecular Dynamics, and Reversible Intramolecular Structure Conversion"  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 20351.

  11. Shen, S. W.; Chen, D. G.; Chang, K. H.; Lee, C. W.; Fang, C. T.; Chen, I. T.; Chen, Y. T.; Chuang, W. T.; Lee, Y. H.*; Wu, Y. T.*; Chou, P. T.*; Wu, C. I.* "Delayed Charge Recombination by Open-shell Organics: Its Application in Achieving Superb Photodetectors: Broadband (400-1160 nm), Ultrahigh Sensitivity and Stability" Adv. Optical Mat., 2020, 1902179.

  12. Pan, M. L.; Wu, Y. T.* "Synthesis of Biphenylenes and Their π-Extended Derivatives" Synlett, 2020, 31, 97-101.

  13. Wang, C. S.; Wei, Y. C.; Chang, K. H.; Chou, P. T.*; Wu, Y. T.* "Indeno[1,2‐b]fluorene‐Based [2,2]Cyclophanes with 4n/4n and 4n/[4n+2] π Electrons: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Excitonic Coupling Properties" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 10158-10162.

  14. Siva Senthil Kumar Boominathan; Chang, K. H.; Liu, Y. C.; Wang, C. S.; Wu, C. F.; Chiang, M. H.*; Chou, P. T.*; Wu, Y. T.* "Diindeno-Fused Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene and Dibenzo[c,l]chrysene: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Properties" Chem. Eur. J., 2019, 25, 7280-7284.

  15. Lee, C. C.; Chen, C. I.; Fang, C. T.; Huang, P. Y.; Wu, Y.-T.*; Chueh, C. C.* "Improving Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells Using [7]Helicenes with Stable Partial Biradical Characters as the Hole‐Extraction Layers" Adv. Funct. Mater., 20191808625.

  16. Hsieh, Y.-C.; Wu, C.-F.; Chen, Y.-T.; Fang, C.-T.; Wang, C.-S.; Li, C.-H.; Chen, L.-Y.; Cheng, M. J.; Chueh, C.-C.*; Chou, P.-T.*; Wu, Y.-T.* "5,14-Diaryldiindeno[2,1-f:1′,2′-j]picene: A New Stable [7]Helicene with a Partial Biradical Character" J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018, 14014357–14366.

  17. Gallego, M.; Calbo, J.; Calderon, R. M. K.; Pla, P.; Hsieh, Y. C.; Pérez, E. M.; Wu, Y. T.*; Ortí, E.*; Guldi, D. M*; Martín, N.* "Complexation and electronic communication between corannulene-based buckybowls and a curved truxene-TTF donor" Chem. Eur. J., 201723, 3666-3673.

  18. Stöckl, Q. S.; Wu, T. C.; Mairena, A.; Wu, Y. T.*; Ernst, K. H*. "Erecting buckybowls onto their edge: 2D self-assembly of terphenylcorannulene on the Cu(111) surface" Faraday Discuss., 2017204429-437.

  19. Wang, S. L.; Pan, M. L.; Su, W. S.; Wu, Y. T*. "Synthesis of Biphenylenes and Their Higher Homologues by Cyclization of Aryne Derivatives" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201756, 14694-14697.

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