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Chen, Shu-Hui

Anal. Chem.

2019-12, 91, 15922-15931

Targeting Endogenous Adduction Level of Serum Albumin by Parallel Reaction Monitoring via Standard Additions and Intact Protein Measurement: Biological Dosimetry of Catechol Estrogens

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

Chem. Eur. J.

2019-12, 26, 16, 3600-3608

Gold-catalyzed Iminations of Terminal Propargyl Alcohols with Anthranils with Atypical Chemoselectivity for C(1)-Additions and 1,2-Carbon Migration

Lin, Jong-Liang

J. Chin. Chem. Soc.

2019-11, 1-9

Spectroscopically Tracing the Reactions of Octahydridosilses-

quioxane (H8Si8O12) with Organic Molecules


Chen, Shu-Hui

J. Chin. Chem. Soc.

2019-11, 67, 324–328

Comments on chemical properties reported for diphenyl disulfide and its derivatives: The merit of the phenyl groups

Yeh, Chen‐Sheng

Adv. Mater.

2019-10, 31, 1905087

Low Dose of X-Ray-Excited Long-Lasting Luminescent Concave Nanocubes in Highly Passive Targeting Deep-Seated Hepatic Tumors

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

ACS Catal.

2019-11, 10, 613

Application of Ceria in CO2 Conversion Catalysis


Lin, Jong-Liang

ACS Omega

2019-10, 4, 18530−18539

Isopropoxy Tetramethyl Dioxaborolane on TiO2: Reaction Pathway and Formation of Visible-Light Sensitive Photocatalyst

Lin, Hong‐Ping

Aerosol and Air Quality Research

2019-10, 19, 2557-2567

Using Rice-husk-derived Porous Silica Modified with Recycled Cu from Industrial Wastewater and Ce to Remove Hg0 and NO from Simulated Flue Gases

Sun, I‐Wen

J. Electrochem. Soc.

2019-10, 166, D768-D775

Galvanic Displacement Deposition of Bismuth on Copper in the Ambient Ethaline Deep Eutectic Solvent in the Absence and Presence of Water and Additives


Lin, Hong‐Ping

J. Alloys Compd.

2019-08, 797, 1007-1012

Hollow Li2FeSiO4 spheres as cathode and anode material for lithium-ion battery

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

ACS Catal.

2019-07, 9, 8197-8207

Constant Electrode Potential

Quantum Mechanical Study of CO2 Electrochemical Reduction Catalyzed by N-Doped Graphene.

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng


2019-09, 1902845

Tailoring the Electrochemical Production of H₂O₂: Strategies for the Rational Design of High-Performance Electrocatalysts


Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

J. Am. Soc. Chem.

2019-07, 141, 11398-11403

Copper-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Difluoromethylation.

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

Nature Commun.

2019-07, 10, 3340

Computational and experimental demonstrations of one-pot tandem catalysis for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction to methane.

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

J. Phys. Chem. C

2019-07, 123, 19033-19044

Quantum Mechanical Screening of Metal-N4-Functionalized Graphenes for Electrochemical Anodic Oxidation of Light Alkanes to Oxygenates.


Wu, Yao-Ting

Chem. Eur. J.

2019-05, 25, 7280-7284

Diindeno-Fused Dibenzo[a , h]anthracene and Dibenzo[c , l]chrysene: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and Properties.

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

Org. Lett.

2019-07, 21, 5475-5479

Gold-catalyzed Oxidation of Thioalkynes to form Phenylthio Ketene Derivatives via a Non-Carbene Route.


Sung, Kuangsen

J. Phys. Chem. A

2019-05, 123, 4708-4716

S1/S0 Potential Energy Surfaces Experience Different Types of Restricted Rotation: Restricted Z/E Photoisomerization and E/Z Thermoisomerization by an Out-of-Plane Benzyl Group or In-Plane m-Pyridinium Group?


Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

Chem. Sci.

2019-05, 10, 6437-6442

Gold-catalyzed bicyclic annulations of 4-methoxy-1,2-dienyl-5-ynes with isoxazoles to form indolizine derivatives via an Au-π-allene intermediate

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

2019-05, 11, 19294-19300

Exciplex Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Nearly 20% External Quantum Efficiency: Effect of Intermolecular Steric Hindrance between the Donor and Acceptor Pair

Lin, Jong-Liang

J. Chem. Phys.

2019-04, 150, 164703

Adsorption and reactions of propenoic acid and 2-fluoropropanoic acid on Cu(100) and O/Cu(100)


Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

ACS Catal.

2019-04, 9, 4709-4718

Effectively Increased Efficiency for Electroreduction of Carbon Monoxide Using Supported Polycrystalline Copper Powder Electrocatalysts


Yeh, Chen‐Sheng

ACS Nano

2019-03, 13, 4290−4301

Enhancing Microcirculation on Multitriggering Manner Facilitates Angiogenesis and Collagen Deposition on Wound Healing by Photoreleased NO from Hemin-Derivatized Colloids


Wu, Yao-Ting

Adv. Funct. Mater.

2019-02, 1808625

Improving Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells Using [7]Helicenes

with Stable Partial Biradical

Characters as the Hole-Extraction Layers


Li, Jie-Ren

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

2019-01, 11, 4667−4677

Hierarchical Nanoparticle Assemblies Formed via One-Step Catalytic Stamp Pattern Transfer 

Sun, I‐Wen

J. Electroanal. Chem

2019-01, 832, 48-54

Electrochemical co-deposition of gallium and antimonide from the


dicyanamide room temperature ionic liquid

Yeh, Chen‐Sheng

Nanoscale Horiz.

2019-01, Advance Article

Advances in controlled gas-releasing nanomaterials for therapeutic applications


Whang, Thou‐Jen

J. Chem. Phys.

2019-01, 150, 024303

Observation of the shallow 2 1Π state of NaH

CO Electroreduction

Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

ACS Catalysis

2019-01, 9, 49-65

CO Electroreduction: Current 

Development and Understanding 

of Cu-Based Catalyst


Cheng, Mu‐Jeng

Chem. Sci.

2019-01, 10, 1201-1206

Gold-catalyzed (4+3)-annulations of 2-alkenyl-1- alkynylbenzenes with anthranils with alkyne- dependent chemoselectivity: skeletal rearrangement versus non-rearrangement

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